What are the advantages, disadvantages and benefits of using RFID technology?

December 03, 2022

RFID technology is one of the most used technologies these days. The features and benefits of using RFID technology alone make it worthwhile, worthy enough to be used in any sector, any department and any industry. Hospitals, schools, industry warehouses are a few examples where RFID is being used efficiently. RFID based asset anti-theft tracking system offers a cost-effective way to track and manage your assets while allowing you to automate your processes and reduce costs. It is one of the most delicate and advanced technologies, one can use it to prosper and schedule their businesses according to their personal goals and missions. Hospitals and schools use RFID to keep a check on the hospital staff, doctors and students, gone are those days when a student or a teacher or a doctor had to sign the register and mark their presence since today everything is being taken care of by using RFID.

RFID comes with its own advantages and challenges, no doubt it is one of the most easiest technologies to understand and implement, moreover it is cost-effective and has proven to be a better technology as compared to the previously used barcode system.

A company’s assets are probably the largest capital investment the business will make.  From laptops to construction tools and high-value equipment, the challenge is not just how to keep track of their whereabouts but also to ensure they are regularly inspected and maintained and, from time to time, audited for accounting purposes. Thus, RFID based asset anti-theft tracking system offers a cost-effective way to track and manage your assets while allowing you to automate your processes and reduce costs. By implementing multiple RFID readers and antennas, businesses are able to triangulate the exact whereabouts of their assets, resulting in real-time and accurate location data, as well as reducing replacement costs.


The advantages of using RFID technology:

  • Security: The RFID technology is capable of handling data and keeping it safe at the same time as well. RFID systems are always secure since you need specialized equipment to read the data.
  • Convenience: RFID is a very convenient and very fast, feasible technology that is not only safe but also saves time. The size of the card is handy and the same as a regular bank card. Thus, it is easy to store. Users have fewer chances of forgetting these cards when going to the place where they require access.
  • Diverse: The diversity and the lack of options is the reason why the barcode system has become obsolete. The RFID systems on the other hand come with a variety of options in terms of the ranges it can offer and the number of cards it can process at a given time. This makes them suitable for use in many different businesses and applications.
  • Master card functionality: Different kinds of locks and situations can use one RFID key card to program. This saves the users from the mess of having different cards for different locks while allowing each lock to have independent access policies.
  • Versatility: RFID tags are used for tracking luggage as well as for monitoring the health history of patients in the hospitals. RFID technology is versatile in nature and hence smaller and larger RFID devices are available as per application.
  • Multi-purpose: The technology is used for security and attendance purposes in schools, colleges as well as office establishments. The time-in and time-out is recorded in the database of the server.

The disadvantages of using RFID technology:

  • Keycard malfunction: Losing a keycard becomes a headache for the owner. It is a major set-back since an individual can lose his/her access for a day or two due to keycard malfunction.
  • Hackable: An RFID system can be hacked or bypassed by someone who is tech-savvy, so they are not totally foolproof. Yes, they are secure in terms of transmitting data and storing it, but they can still be hacked.
  • Power shortage issue: One major problem is that RFID systems may malfunction due to power sources. Active RFID is costly due to the use of batteries.
  • Expensive setup: Depending upon the use and keeping the industry use of RFID in mind, RFID can prove to be an expensive setup, a setup that small-scale businesses cannot afford to have.
  • Not totally hassle-free: If the server computer is not connected to the internet, and you have time-based access restrictions, you will need to manually change the computer’s clock twice a year when the time changes.
  • Loss of jobs: RFID technology replaces human touch in each sector where it is being used regularly. Most organizations and industries which use RFID on a daily basis to manage and track their businesses have reduced the number of laborers working for them, which leads to loss of jobs.

The benefits of using RFID technology:

  • Reduces Costs and Labour Time Through Automation:

The use of RFID for tracking assets, whether in transit or in warehouses, allows businesses to automatically monitor the movement of goods.

The data collection process is also automated, allowing businesses to receive accurate updates in real-time straight to an asset tracking system. From here, asset managers can monitor stock levels, track the supply chain, and even identify costly delays in operations.

This eliminates the need for manual tracking methods such as spreadsheets, which effectively reduce employee labor time and human intervention.


  • Provides a Good Return on Investment (ROI):

The relatively cheap set of tools needed to deploy an effective RFID asset tracking system allows accessibility for businesses of all revenues. Enabling not only enterprises with multiple sites and warehouses to install an RFID, but Small and Medium Business (SMBs) too. Compared to other forms of asset tracking, RFID is a long-lasting and cost-efficient tracking solution. 


  • Reduces Loss and Theft of Assets with a Real-Time Locating System (RTLS):

The cost of replacing assets that have either been lost, misplaced, or stolen can be damaging to a business’s bottom line. This is a common expense across most asset-heavy industries; RFID works on real-time thus it makes it easier to locate and manage the assets to reduce loss, and also reduces the cost of assets lost due to theft.