Why do schools opt for technology in classroom for teaching?

January 02, 2023

Schools have been using technology over the years, but the recent COVID-19 pandemic has shown that technology plays an important role in education. Many schools still use analog tools, such as books, notebooks, whiteboards and posters, while others have switched to smart boards to replace outdated projectors as well as personal digital devices such as iPads or Chromebooks. You see, children these days are surrounded by such devices that make their life a lot easier. Students who use technology in the classroom may be more engaged and show more enthusiasm as compared to the students who don’t know their way around technologies. Moreover, integration with technology makes education fun and engaging because there always exists a scope for creativity. A huge benefit of educational technology for teachers is automation. Teachers can upload lesson plans and learning materials into an LMS for students to access on their own time. Online assessments make grading easy, and parents can automatically be notified when students receive a failing grade. Teachers are always looking for ways to find more time in the day, and technology can assist in big ways, it helps teachers channel their energies in the right direction and reduces their workload. Also, communication between the parents and the teachers has never been this good, technology plays a huge role in connecting these two entities. Moreover, the content available online is endless. Students who are interested in learning about arts, music, videos - and virtually anything else - can find plenty of resources. Any creative endeavor that calls to a student can be supported by technology.

Technology can enhance creativity rather than inhibit it if students are given a choice about what they create. Schools that use analog tools need to be careful since these tools need to be tended to, cared for and replaced. Using technology allows students to access what they need when they need it. They can keep calendars online, and teachers can push due date reminders in a learning management system (LMS). Word processors do not need to be sharpened and online books do not get lost. Technology allows students instant access to all the materials they need, saving time, space and mental effort. One of the biggest impacts of technology in the classroom has been providing freedom to the students. Students have gained confidence and have come out of their shells and are more active than ever.Technology allows some students to be included in the classroom in ways they have never been before. Many students who receive special education can benefit from technology that helps them write, spell, read and do mathematical computation. In terms of securing a student’s future, integration with technology or use of technology in classrooms have shown exponential growth. Since technology isn’t going anywhere, students will need strong technology skills to be successful in whatever job or career they may go into after school. Simply having a mindset that embraces the process of learning and using new technology can make a difference in a student's future.